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Shi'a Pundit

Devoted to the viewpoint of Islam of Muhammad SAW and Amir ul-Mumineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib SA, in the Shi'a Fatimi Ismaili Dawoodi Bohra tradition.

December 19, 2007

Abdullah to hear Shi'a concerns.

via John at Crossroads Arabia, comes this AFP report that the Saudi government is sending an official delegation to hear the concerns of the Shi'a community, and convey them to King Abdullah:

DUBAI: Saudi Arabia’s government-run human rights watchdog said on Tuesday that it had sent a delegation to listen to the grievances of the kingdom’s Shiite minority. “A delegation from the Human Rights Commission has gone to see Shiite leaders to study their demands and complaints and then pass them on to King Abdullah,” the commission’s head Turki al-Sudairi told Dubai satellite television. Sudairi, who has the rank of minister, acknowledged that, “Shiites often suffer from discrimination in the judicial field,” the first senior Saudi official to do so. He pointed to the recent “refusal by a judge to accept the testimony of a Shiite.” In April, King Abdullah warned Saudis against sectarian differences which he said threatened the unity and security of the kingdom. - AFP

King Abdullah should be commended - not just for his genuine concern for the minority populations, but also his recent pardon of Qatif Girl, and even his foresighted plan for middle east peace.


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About Shi'a Pundit

Shi'a Pundit was launched in 2002 during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. The blog focuses on issues pertaining to Shi'a Islam in the west and in the Islamic world. The author is a member of the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim community. Bohras adhere to the Shi'a Fatimi tradition of Islam, headed by the 52nd Dai al-Mutlaq, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS).

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